Wednesday 4 November 2009

Saturday 15th August 2009 - Pen-y-Fan Ridge

Well what can I say - Angie and I thought we'd do a bit of training and it was very wet! Ang couldn't get a babysitter so we decided to take her 10 year old with us - she wasn't impressed and neither were we! It poured with rain, the wind howled and it was awful - Isaid to Ang this is child cruelty, but Ang said it would be good for her - Georgina kept asking "Are we nearly there yet" that terrible question all kids ask! We were just getting the ridge and the wind was really howling and blowing and one of the walkers coming back down warned us not to go any further than the ridge as it was too windy and we'd be blown over!! We didn't need anything more to stop us so when we reached the ridge we turned back, much to Georgie's delight and if i'm honest our's too!

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